Your genealogy in complete freedom
Thanks to Ancestris, you keep your genealogy under control.
Your data is only in a Gedcom file, so never lost or unreadable by other software, and therefore forever transmissible to your loved ones.
A powerful software
More than 30 tools to manipulate your genealogy or make analysis: classic or sophisticated editors, dynamic tree, geographical view, chronological, list of places, management of sources and media, statistical reports, sosa-daboville numbering, merge, detection of duplicates, etc.
A responsive community at your service
Need help ? Genealogists users of Ancestris answer you.
Requests for improvements? Make your suggestions and developers will modify Ancestris if it is relevant to the greatest number.
Download Ancestris
Ancestris is available for the three systems below, with either version 12, stable since 06/2024,
or with version 13, updated daily and including all latest functionalities.
These facts demonstrate the strength of the software.
Years of experience
Uses per month
Where users did not wish to attach their real photo to their comment, an anonymous photo was used instead.

User since 2022
I would like to become a member for the simple and good reason that I have been using Ancestris for about a year, and after having used Hérédis and various genealogy sites at the same time, I find the design of the program and the help received on the forum to be the best without imposing any payment. (February 2023)

User since 2018
I installed Ancestris for a little over 2 years now and I am absolutely delighted! I hadn't taken the time to place myself on the map, that's it! Thank you very much for this magnificent tool and the investment of the whole team to make it evolve as well as the content of the website, a mine of information!! (June 2020)

User since 2021
A week of Ancestris and I realize the damage to my GEDCOM
after 15 years of using Geneatique.
Frankly, what a pleasure to regain control of my data!
The GEDCOM editor has become my friend... (January 2021)

I am enthusiastic about your software, and more and more,
as I discover all of its many possibilities.
I'm going to take this opportunity to revisit my genealogy, which has been left hanging for some time,
and bring it up to date thanks to Ancestris. (Nov 2020)

Martin Slavík
Digital Humanities Teacher
Ancestris is a piece of excellent genealogical software with advanced features. From beginners to professionals and for free. Amazing.

Events organiser
Even more than before, I will not fail to promote Ancestris.
You have demonstrated that Ancestris is not just a simple free genealogy software, it is above all a team of professionals, confident and benevolent.

Guillaume de Morant
Journalist of the French Review of Genealogy
Strict compliance with the Gedcom standard allows you to exchange genealogical data without error.

User 2016
I've been using Ancestris since version 9 after having used Geneatique, Heredis, Gramps and so on.
For me, it's the best.
Ancestris is also managed by a powerful and very responsive team, which, with the members of the list, makes it possible not to leave a problem for long without a solution. (April 2020)

Nadine Pellen
Author of 'Cystic Fibrosis in Legacy' in 2015.
The quality of this software also lies in its development ability
to meet specific requests - page 83.

Converted to Ancestris
Thanks again to the developers of this excellent software.

Passionate genealogist
Ancestris has all the great features of genealogy software and more!

Ancestris genealogical research is a major step forward for genealogists
who want to search the trees of other genealogists.

Ancestris is the ideal tool to start your genealogy or to migrate from another software.
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